A Message from the Guide

This is clearly the most awesome thing since, since... has there been
anything this awesome before?

The Guide to Nerdfighting... in your pants, is steadily on its way from
being just an idea floating around on the Ning, to its special place on
your nightstand. That is where you planned on keeping it, right?

This is the place to find out more about The Guide, check out the
submission guidelines and submit your masterpieces.

Thanks for being a part of this!

-The Guide
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Sunday, November 1, 2009


What is The Guide to Nerdfighting ...in your pants?
The Guide to Nerdfighting ...in your pants (or The Guide for short) is a reference book for Nerdfighters by Nerdfighters. It's world-suck fighting powers are three-fold.
  1. It'll be an awful lot of fun for us Nerdfighters to make and to have on our nightstands when it's done. So it's gonna bring joy to a lot of Nerdfighters! :)

  2. All the profit is going to charity. So when you buy this awesome book that you want to buy anyway, you'll be helping create more awesome in the world by doing so.

  3. You know those slightly awkward moments when you're trying to describe to your friends and family what a Nerdfighter is? Ever gotten shouted at on Facebook by your aunt because she thought you wanted to fight nerds when she saw you were in a Nerdfighting group? (I have!) Well, those awkward days are gone! Now you can just refer everyone to The Guide and they'll know what's the what in no time!

Who's publishing The Guide?
We're "self-publishing." Which means that we found a company that will put the book together the way we want, will assign it an ISBN, and will make it available for you to purchase. They will send the book to you, take their cut (which isn't too bad, actually), and we give the rest of the money to charity.

Who's writing The Guide?
Nerdfighters like you and me. Or, more specifically, you and me. The Guide Staff is merely taking all the stuff you send in, and putting it in its proper place in the book- and I suppose they're allowed to submit things, too. Every Nerdfighter who wants to be involved, can be involved. (We're hoping that's everyone!)

Can I write/draw/photograph for The Guide?
Yes. Yes. A million times, YES! We want you to make submissions early and often!

What kind of things am I allowed to submit?
You are allowed to submit anything and everything that you feel is Nerdfighterish- and that we can print on a page. (So while we'd really enjoy you sending us songs and videos, we have no means of getting them on paper.) Though we do ask that you try to keep it safe for the Nerdfighter kids who are only 13.

Can I submit more than one thing?
Absolutely! And please do! We only ask that you try to send us one thing at a time. But you can read more about that in the submission guidelines.

As much as The Guide Staff wishes we were working on The Never Ending Story (flying dragon/dogs FTW!), we gotta draw the line somewhere. In fact, we have to draw several. And we've drawn all of them in a document we affectionately call the submission guidelines. Although the actual title is "Formatting Submissions." -idk

How much of the profit goes to charity?
While all the profit is going to charity, exactly how much money that is depends on where you buy it. The book will be available through both the CreatSpace E-Store and Amazon. In addition to the production costs, the former takes 20% of the list price, while Amazon takes 40%. So you should buy it from CreateSpace to make sure most of the money goes to charity. As for the exact amount per book, we can't know that until we compile all the submissions! However, we expect it to be at least a few dollars for each book sold (maybe even as much as $7 per book!)

How much of the profit goes to The Guide Staff?
Absolutely nothing! It's a shame isn't it?

How did you pick the charity?
We first took suggestions from our group on the Ning. And since we're making a book, we thought maybe we should pick a charity that has to do with books. Then, after weighing our options, we decided on BookWish because it's a good cause and relevant to Nerdfighteria.

Who is this "Guide Staff," anyway?
They're a group of Nerdfighters who originally got together on the Ning and were really excited by the idea of a book all about Nerdfighting. They've been researching, bargaining off their first borns and going to weekly meetings in an attempt to make The Guide possible. And, if you're having trouble with something (you're not a grammar nerd, you're stumped on that third paragraph, you want to know if he's not that into you), all of them will be more than happy to help you out! They're just really nice like that. All of them also happen to be really hot.

Can I be on The Guide Staff?
Okay, yeah, we guess. But we're not accepting just anybody! You have to be dependable (like, able to show up to meetings and stuff). And it'll help if you know how to spell. Or at least can run a spell check.

I don't know how to do anything, but I still want to help. Can I?
YES! You can contact The Guide Staff (info@guidetonerdfighting.com) and they'll try to help you figure out something you can do. But no matter what, we're gonna need Nerdfighters like you to put a copy of The Guide on their nightstands. And as soon as the book is published, we'll let you know how you can best make that happen. At which point we'll thank you (and possibly even grovel a little bit). In the mean time, make sure EVERY Nerdfighter you know, knows about The Guide.

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Email The Guide --> nerdfighterbook@gmail.com
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