A Message from the Guide

This is clearly the most awesome thing since, since... has there been
anything this awesome before?

The Guide to Nerdfighting... in your pants, is steadily on its way from
being just an idea floating around on the Ning, to its special place on
your nightstand. That is where you planned on keeping it, right?

This is the place to find out more about The Guide, check out the
submission guidelines and submit your masterpieces.

Thanks for being a part of this!

-The Guide
Visit the Website guidetonerdfighting.com
Follow The Guide on Twitter @NerdfighterBook
Friend us on Facebook facebook.com/people/Nerdfighter-Book
Contribute to the discussion on the Ning nerdfighters.ning.com/group/guidetonerd

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Formatting Submissions

No submission is too small or too big! (Though conciseness will be appreciated.) We're happy to take them all! But if we had to describe our ideal submissions, this is what we'd want them to look like:

Try to keep all submissions PG-13. (What is PG-13?)

All text submissions should be checked for spelling and grammar, refrain from swearing, stay on topic, and adhere to the following length limits:

Definitions: 5-150 words (try not to exceed 300)

Anecdotes/Stories: 250-500 words(try not to exceed 1000)

Poems: How do you put limits on a poem? You write it, and we'll let you know if it fits or not.

Quotes: No limit, just submit what you think we should include.

Advice: 250-500 words (try not to exceed 1000)

Fun Facts: 100 words (try not to exceed 200)

How-To Guides: 250-600 words (try not to exceed 1000)

Book/ Movie/ Song Recommendations: No limit, just submit what you think we should include.

Interactive Challenges: I don't even know how you'd go about making an interactive challenge, but if you're up for giving it a try, send it in! (Even if it's just an idea and not the fully developed challenge. We could work on it with you!)

If you're not a grammar nerd, or your submission runs long, or you don't know what to write, but you still want to submit something, don't worry! We'll help you!

All graphic/pictorial submissions should have the highest resolution possible and either be in black and white, or should be suitable to be converted to black and white (try not to submit anything with a resolution lower than 300dpi). They should be no smaller than 2x1"(5x2.5cm) and no larger than 5x8 1/2"(12.7x21.6cm). You can make them larger, but expect for them to be resized. We're looking for photos, drawings, cartoons, charts/diagrams and (my favorite) coloring book style drawings.

You can make as many submissions as you'd like, but PLEASE make a separate submission for each topic (B2.0, DFTBA, etc.). It'll make it a lot easier for us to figure out where to put your stuff.

Remember: Submissions that adhere to these guidelines will be read and considered for The Guide first. The best way to ensure you'll get to be a writer/photographer/artist/cartographer for The Guide is to make sure your submission is formatted correctly.

If you've read through all that, use the submission form here --> Add my Awesomeness!


You can also email us your submission here --> submissions@guidetonerdfighting.com
The categories are: Definitions, Anecdotes/Stories, Poems, Quotes, Advice, Fun Facts, How-To Guides, Book/Movie/Song Recommendations and Interactive Challenges

IMPORTANT: If you submit by email, your submission MUST include The Permission Statement. You will be asked to re-send your submission if The Permission Statement is not included. You can find the statement to copy and paste into your email here --> Permission Statement. Make sure to put the category and/or topic in the subject line.

If you're feeling uninspired, check out The List for ideas --> The List

If you still have questions or need help, email us here --> info@guidetonerdfighting.com Make sure to put "Question" or "Help" in the subject line to make sure you get a reply right away!