A Message from the Guide

This is clearly the most awesome thing since, since... has there been
anything this awesome before?

The Guide to Nerdfighting... in your pants, is steadily on its way from
being just an idea floating around on the Ning, to its special place on
your nightstand. That is where you planned on keeping it, right?

This is the place to find out more about The Guide, check out the
submission guidelines and submit your masterpieces.

Thanks for being a part of this!

-The Guide
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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Coming Soon...

what's the Guide up to, you ask? well, lots of stuff actually. but most interesting to you, we're putting together a super-awesome website! well, mostly Clive is putting together the website. but that's why it's going to be super-awesome!
it's going to be beautiful and make dreams come true! (assuming your dream is to contribute to the Guide. and seriously, whose isn't?)
right now, there's just a lovely placeholder there. you're welcome to go look at it. it is lovely, after all. but i suggest that while you're there you sign up to the mailing list. that way you'll be notified the very second it breaks out of its placeholder cocoon and becomes a beautiful website!
what's that? you want the link you say?


enjoy! at least half as much as i do. which will still mean you'll enjoy it a whole lot!

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